ALPHABETIZED LIST OF PRODUCT FILES ---------------------------------- 3DDLL PAK (DISK5) - Compression file CTL3DV2 DLL - Microsoft re-distributable file. BAMGR16 DL_ (DISK1) - 16-bit installation script engine. BIN1 PAK (DISK5) - Compression file COMPANIO HLP - Help file for Companion Products and Services information. DB55OLE2 DLL - OLE2 automation loader. DBAS0009 DLL - dBASE for Windows resources. DBAS0009 FNF - Expression Builder function table. DBASEWIN HDX - Help index file. DBASEWIN PIF - .PIF file used when DBASEWIN executes a DOS command. HANDSHAK ICO - Icon for the Companion Products Program Item. QPWIMP DLL - Quattro Pro import DLL. RESOURCE DLL - User's resources for compiled applications. BIN2 PAK (Created by concatinating BIN2.CA? files found on DISK1, DISK2) - Compression file DBASEWIN EXE - dBASE for Windows main executable. BIVBX11 PAK (DISK4) - Compression file BIVBX11 DLL - Interface BWCC PAK (DISK7) - Compression file BWCC DLL - Borland Windows Custom Controls. CBT PAK (DISK4) - Compression file BCBTDBWL DLL - CBT resources. BCBTDBWS DLL - CBT scripts. BCBTRES DLL - Generic UI resources for CBT. BERRMGR DLL - Handles GP Faults. BEVTAPP DLL - Application event layer. BEVTMGR DLL - Event manager factory. BEVTWIN DLL - Windows event layer. BOXMGR DLL - Tutor UI support BSCRENG DLL - Script Engine. BSCROBJ DLL - Scriptable UI objects for CBT. BSCRRUN EXE - Script runner. CBTSAMP PAK (DISK7) - Compression file ANIMALS DBF - Database file for ANIMALS.PRG. ANIMALS DBT - Memo file for ANIMALS.PRG. ANIMALS MDX - Index file for ANIMALS.DBF. ANIMALS QBE - View file for ANIMALS.WFM. ANIMALS WFM - Form displaying characteristics of different animals. ANIMSQL QBE - Local SQL query file for Animals.wfm BUTTONS CC - Procedure file containing class definitions for bitmapped pushbuttons. CBT CAT - Catalog file used by the Interactice Tutors CUST QBE - Two-table query. CUSTOMER DBF - Table for Customer application form. CUSTOMER DBT - Memo file for Customer application form. CUSTOMER MDX - Index file for Customer application form. CUSTOMER MNU - Menu file for CUSTOMER.WFM. CUSTOMER QBE - View file for Customer application form. DIVESHOP BMP - A logo bitmap for customer and order forms. FLIGHTS DBF - Table of flights and schedules for Air Borland. FLIGHTS MDX - Production index file for flights.dbf. ORDERS DBF - Table for ORDERS.WFM. ORDERS MDX - Index file for ORDERS.WFM. ORDERS MNU - Menu file for orders.wfm. ORDERS QBE - Query for ORDERS.WFM. SAAB RPT - Report showing AirBorland flights that use the Saab340 type aircraft. CRWHELP PAK (DISK6) - Compression file CRW HLP - Crystal Reports help file. PTUTOR EXE - Front end for Personal Trainer. PTUTOR HLP - Personal Trainer help file. PT_ABOUT HLP - Jump from "Learning about PT". PT_TOOLS DLL - DLL for added PT capabilities. CRWMIN PAK (DISK6) - Compression file CRPE DLL - Crystal run time engine. CRWRES DLL - Resource DLL for Crystal Reports. PDQQBE DLL - dBASE database access support for Crystal UXDDISK DLL - Crystal Reports : Exporting for disk files. UXDMAPI DLL - Crystal Reports : Exporting to mail systems compatible with mapi. UXDVIM DLL - Crystal Reports : Exporting to mail systems compatible with vim. UXFCR DLL - Crystal Reports : Exports to Crystal Report file format. UXFDIF DLL - Crystal Reports : Exports to data interchange format. UXFQP DLL - Crystal Reports : Exprts to Quattro Pro format. UXFREC DLL - Crystal Reports : Exports to record format. UXFRTF DLL - Crystal Reports : Exports to Rich Text format. UXFSEPV DLL - Crystal Reports : Exports to comma and tab separated formats. UXFTEXT DLL - Crystal Reports : Exports to text formats. UXFWKS DLL - Crystal Reports : Exports to .WKS file format. UXFXLS DLL - Crystal Reports : Exports to .XLS file format. CRYSTAL1 PAK (DISK5) - Compression file CATEGORY CRR - Used by crsupport.dll. COUNTRY CRR - Used by crsupport.dll. CRSUPPRT DLL - Crystal support information. CRSUPPRT INI - Configuration file for Crystal Reports. CRW NET - Crystal Reports network configuration file. ITEMS CRR - Used by crsupport.dll. LABELS TXT - Labels definition file used by Crystal Reports. LIBRARY CRR - Used by crsupport.dll. P3CONV DLL - Crystal Reports : Conversion dll. P3DIB DLL - Crystal Reports : Device independent bitmap functions. P3FILE DLL - Graphics support for Crystal P3INFO DLL - Graphics support for Crystal SUBJECT CRR - Used by crsupport.dll. WBTRCALL DLL - Btrieve file access support for Crystal CRYSTAL2 PAK (DISK5) - Compression file CRW EXE - Crystal Reports executable. CUSTOM PAK (DISK6) - Compression file AVIPANEL CC - Custom paintbox control for playing AVI files. BUTTONS CC - Custom Control file CUSTOM TXT - Text files describing files in the custom directory PASSWORD CC - Custom Control file : Password TABBOX CC - Custom Control file : Page and Alpha Search tab controls VCR CC - Custom Control file containing the definition of VCR table navigation buttons. DBWHELP PAK (Created by concatinating DBWHELP.CA? files found on DISK1, DISK3) - Compression file DBASEWIN HLP - dBASE for Windows help file. DEBUG PAK (DISK7) - Compression file DB55COMM DLL - DLL for communication between DBASEWIN.EXE and DBWDEBUG.EXE DBWD0009 DLL - Resources for DBWDEBUG.EXE. DBWDEBUG EXE - dBASE for Windows debugger. EXTERN PAK (DISK7) - Compression file DBASEVAR H - Header file to be used by programs using the EXTERN system. DBEXTERN CPP - Main C++ source file. DBEXTERN DEF - Def file. DBEXTERN DLL - Compiled copy of the DLL. DBEXTERN MAK - Makefile to build the DBEXTERN.DLL with BCC. DBEXTERN PRG - Main dBASE source file. DBFILE CPP - Main source file. DBFILE DEF - Def file. DBFILE DLL - Compiled copy of the DLL. DBFILE H - Header file for DBFILE.CPP. DBFILE MAK - Makefile to build DBFILE.DLL with BCC. DBFILE PRG - dBASE code to setup up the DLL and a class. DBGREP PRG - dBASE for Windows example using dbfile.dll. DBSYSDRV PRG - dBASE for Windows example that uses dbfile.dll. EXTERN TXT - Text file describing all programs in the \EXTERN directory. FORM PAK (DISK5) - Compression file CREG0009 DBF - Contains information for display of Custom Controls on Control Palette. CUSTCTRL DLL - Support file for creating and modifying forms. SCHS0009 DBF - Table containing font/color schemes for the form expert. SCHS0009 ORG - File containing original settings for schs0009.dbf HELP PAK (DISK7) - Compression file DBASESQL HLP - SQL help file IDAPI PAK (DISK4) - Compression file BDECFG EXE - Borland Database Engine Configuration Utility BDECFG HLP - Borland Database Engine Configuration Utility Help IDAPI01 DLL - Borland Database Engine API DLL IDASCI01 DLL - Borland Database Engine ASCII Driver DLL IDBAT01 DLL - Borland Database Engine Batch Utilities DLL IDDBAS01 DLL - IDAPI dBASE driver. IDODBC01 DLL - Borland Database Engine ODBC Socket DLL IDPDX01 DLL - Borland Database Engine Paradox Driver DLL IDQRY01 DLL - Borland Database Engine Query DLL IDR10009 DLL - Borland Database Engine Resources DLL ILD01 DLL - Language Driver DLL odbc new - Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager DLL, version 2.0 odbcinst new - Microsoft ODBC Driver installation DLL, version 2.0 IDAPICFG PAK (DISK4) - Compression file idapi cnf - Borland Database Engine Configuration File INSTRUN EX_ (DISK1) - Installation program. INSTXTRA PAK (DISK1) - Compression file BAENG16 DLL - 16-bit installation script engine. BSCOB16 DLL - 16-bit installation script engine. DBWINSTL HLP - Install help files IDAPINST DLL - IDAPI installation DLL. IDAPINST HLP - Install help file INSTBOR DLL - DLL used by the install process. INSTCUI DLL - DLL used by the install process. INSTDEL LST - Config file for instdel.exe INSTRRF DLL - DLL used by the install process. LABEL PAK (DISK1) - Compression file QADDRESS DBF - label designer support file QADDRESS MDX - label designer support file LANGDRV PAK (DISK7) - Compression file ANCHINA LD - Paradox Windows Chinese language driver ANCYRR LD - Paradox Windows Cyrillic language driver ANCZECH LD - Paradox Windows Czech language driver ANGREEK1 LD - Paradox Windows Greek language driver ANHUNDC LD - Paradox Windows Hungarian language driver ANKOREA LD - Paradox Windows Korean language driver ANPOLISH LD - Paradox Windows Polish language driver ANSII850 LD - Paradox Windows Western European language driver ANSIINTL LD - Paradox Windows Western European language driver ANSINOR4 LD - Paradox Windows Norwegian/Danish language driver ANSISLOV LD - Paradox Windows Slovene language driver ANSISPAN LD - Paradox Windows Spanish language driver ANSISWFN LD - Paradox Windows Swedish/Finnish language driver ANTAIWAN LD - Paradox Windows Taiwanese language driver ANTHAI LD - Paradox Windows Thai language driver ANTURK LD - Paradox Windows Turkish language driver BLLT1CA0 LD - InterBase Latin-1 Canadian language driver BLLT1DA0 LD - InterBase Latin-1 Danish language driver BLLT1DE0 LD - InterBase Latin-1 German language driver BLLT1ES0 LD - InterBase Latin-1 Spanish language driver BLLT1FI0 LD - InterBase Latin-1 Finnish language driver BLLT1FR0 LD - InterBase Latin-1 French language driver BLLT1IS0 LD - InterBase Latin-1 Icelandic language driver BLLT1IT0 LD - InterBase Latin-1 Italian language driver BLLT1NL0 LD - InterBase Latin-1 Dutch language driver BLLT1NO0 LD - InterBase Latin-1 Norwegian language driver BLLT1PT0 LD - InterBase Latin-1 Portuguese language driver BLLT1SV0 LD - InterBase Latin-1 Swedish language driver BLLT1UK0 LD - InterBase Latin-1 English (International) language driver BLLT1US0 LD - InterBase Latin-1 English (US) language driver CHINA LD - Paradox Chinese language driver CSKAMEN LD - Paradox Czech cp867 language driver CYRR LD - Paradox Cyrillic language driver CZECH LD - Paradox Czech cp852 language driver DB437DE0 LD - dBASE German cp437 language driver DB437ES1 LD - dBASE Spanish cp437 language driver DB437FI0 LD - dBASE Finnish cp437 language driver DB437FR0 LD - dBASE French cp437 language driver DB437GR0 LD - dBASE Greek cp437 language driver DB437IT0 LD - dBASE Italian cp437 language driver DB437NL0 LD - dBASE Dutch cp437 language driver DB437SV0 LD - dBASE Swedish cp437 language driver DB437TH0 LD - dBASE Thai language driver DB437UK0 LD - dBASE English cp437 language driver DB850CF0 LD - dBASE Canadian cp850 language driver DB850DE0 LD - dBASE German cp850 language driver DB850ES0 LD - dBASE Spanish cp850 language driver DB850FR0 LD - dBASE French cp850 language driver DB850IT1 LD - dBASE Italian cp850 language driver DB850NL0 LD - dBASE Dutch cp850 language driver DB850PT0 LD - dBASE Portuguese cp850 language driver DB850SV1 LD - dBASE Swedish cp850 language driver DB850UK0 LD - dBASE English(International) cp850 language driver DB850US0 LD - dBASE English(US) cp850 language driver DB852CZ0 LD - dBASE Czech cp852 language driver DB852HDC LD - dBASE Hungarian cp852 language driver DB852PO0 LD - dBASE Polish cp852 language driver DB852SL0 LD - dBASE Slovene cp852 language driver DB857TR0 LD - dBASE Turkish cp857 language driver DB860PT0 LD - dBASE Portuguese cp860 language driver DB863CF1 LD - dBASE Canadian cp863 language driver DB865DA0 LD - dBASE Danish cp865 language driver DB865NO0 LD - dBASE Norwegian cp865 language driver DB866RU0 LD - dBASE Cyrillic cp866 language driver DB867CZ0 LD - dBASE Czech cp867 language driver DB936CN0 LD - dBASE Chinese language driver DB949KO0 LD - dBASE Korean language driver DB950TW0 LD - dBASE Taiwanese language driver DBWINES0 LD - dBASE Windows Spanish language driver DBWINWE0 LD - dBASE Windows Western European language driver GRCP437 LD - Paradox Greek language driver HUN852DC LD - Paradox Hungarian language driver ICELAND LD - Paradox Icelandic language driver INTL LD - Paradox Western European cp437 language driver INTL850 LD - Paradox Western European cp850 language driver KOREA LD - Paradox Korean language driver NORDAN LD - Paradox Norwegian/Danish language driver NORDAN40 LD - Paradox Norwegian/Danish language driver POLISH LD - Paradox Polish language driver SLOVENE LD - Paradox Slovene language driver SPANISH LD - Paradox Spanish language driver SWEDFIN LD - Paradox Swedish/Finnish language driver TAIWAN LD - Paradox Taiwanese language driver THAI LD - Paradox Thai language driver TURK LD - Paradox Turkish language driver MULTIHLP PAK (DISK7) - Compression file MULTIHLP DLL - Provides context-sensitive access to multiple help files. MUSIC1 PAK (DISK6) - Compression file ABOUT WFM - About box for Music application. BIGMUSIC BMP - Initial bitmap for Music application. CATEGORS DBF - Table of Music application categories. CATEGORS MDX - Index file for CATEGORS.DBF. CATEGORS QBE - Query file for CATEGORS.WFM. CATEGORS WFM - Form displaying Music application categories. CONFIGS DBF - Table of possible media types (configurations). CONFIGS MDX - Index file for CONFIGS.DBF. CONFIGS QBE - Query file for CONFIGS.WFM. CONFIGS WFM - Form displaying Music application media types. FILTER WFM - A form for creating a filter on the current view. MUSIC CAT - Catalog of all Music application methods files. MUSIC CC - Custom control file for all Music application forms. MUSIC DBF - Main Music application table. MUSIC H - Include file for MUSIC.PRG. MUSIC HLP - A simple help file for Music application. MUSIC PRG - Main program for running Music application. MUSIC QBE - Query file for MUSIVIEW.WFM. MUSIVIEW WFM - Form displaying main record store info. PRIORITS DBF - Table of sales rankings (priorities). PRIORITS MDX - Index file for PRIORITS.DBF. PRIORITS QBE - Query file for PRIORITS.WFM. PRIORITS WFM - Form displaying sales rankings. SEARCH WFM - Form for doing searches. SKIP WFM - Form for skipping records. SMLMUSIC BMP - A logo bitmap for all Music application forms. TOP10AR RPT - Report of top 10 artists. VIEW MNU - popup menu for all view forms in Music. VIEW POP - Popup definition for Music MUSIC2 PAK (DISK6) - Compression file MUSIC DBT - A file containing data for binary fields album Cover and Sound sample. MUSIC ICO - Icon file for the Music application MUSIC MDX - Index file for MUSIC.DBF. MUSIC TXT - Text file describing forms in the music directory. OLE2 PAK (DISK1) - Compression file COMPOBJ DLL - Supports object creation and access. CROLE2UI DLL - OLE support file. OLE2 DLL - Provides OLE functions which may be used by OLE objects or containers. OLE2 REG - Registers OLE and OLE Automation. OLE2CONV DLL - Supports conversion of embedded objects among servers that can support them. OLE2DISP DLL - Accesses programmable objects by invoking methods and properties. OLE2NLS DLL - Facilitates string comparisons based ont the users national language. OLE2PROX DLL - Coordinates objec access across processes. STDOLE TLB - OLE 2.01 redistributable file. STORAGE DLL - Manages data file storage for embedded objects. TYPELIB DLL - Accesses type libraries. PIPELINE PAK (DISK7) - Compression file CRAMAPI DLL - Pipeline Redistributable MAILFORM CTL - Pipeline Redistributable PIPELINE DLL - Pipeline Redistributable PIPELINE INI - Pipeline Redistributable REGISTER EXE - Pipeline Redistributable REGPRINT CTL - Pipeline Redistributable REGRMDR EXE - Pipeline Redistributable REMIND EXE - Pipeline Redistributable REMIND SCH - Pipeline Redistributable SDKINTRO BMP - Pipeline Redistributable SLIDSHOW FSS - Pipeline Redistributable SSLIB DLL - Pipeline Redistributable THANKS BMP - Pipeline Redistributable WALLPAPR BMP - Pipeline Redistributable README TXT (DISK1) - VIsual dBASE Readme file. SAMPINC PAK (DISK1) - Compression file DBASEEXT H - Header file for the \EXTERN directory ENUM H - Header file containing definitions for various object properties. MESSDLG H - Header file for MESSDLG.PRG. UTILS H - Include file for all the samples. WINAPI H - Extern declarations for Windows API calls. SAMPLES1 PAK (DISK7) - Compression file BINTREE PRG - Sample that builds binary tree with object model. CAL WFM - Form for CAL.PRG. CATALOG CAT - Catalog of all catalogs. CHANGDIR PRG - Sample tool for selecting a directory. CLIENTS DBF - Sample dBASE file. COMPANY DBF - Sample dBASE file. COMPANY DBT - Memo file for COMPANY.DBF. COMPANY MDX - Index file for COMPANY.DBF. CONTACT DBF - Sample dBASE file. CONTACT DBT - Memo file for CONTACT.DBF. CONTACT MDX - Index file for CONTACT.DBF. CONTACT QBE - Contact query. CONTACT WFM - Contact management form. COUNTRY DBF - Sample dBASE file. COUNTRY MDX - Index for COUNTRY.DBF. COUNTRY WFM - Hot maps version of openform.prg for showing country info when clicked on map. CUSTOMER DB - Sample Paradox file. CUSTOMER PX - Index file for customer.db CUSTOMER RPL - Labels report showing customers' names and addresses. CUSTOMER RPT - Report of customers for CUSTOMER.WFM. CUSTOMER WFM - Form displaying information about a customer. CUSTORD ICO - Icon file for the Custord application CUSTORD POP - Pop-up menu for the Custord application CUSTORD QBE - Query file for custord.wfm CUSTORD WFM - Utility for opening procedure files. DBCLOCK BFM - Binary file used by DBTimer custom vbx control in CLOCK.PRG. DBCLOCK PRG - A clock program that displays time in a non-mdi window with a menu. DBTIMER VBX - Timer VBX control which replaces the timer() class. EVENT PRG - Sample demonstrating event handling. FONT WFM - Sample program showing different dBASE for Windows fonts. LINEITEM DBF - Table of ordered items for ORDERS.WFM. LINEITEM MDX - Index of ordered items for ORDERS.WFM. LINEITEM MNU - Menu for Lineitems page of custord.wfm LINKLIST PRG - Sample that builds a "linked-list" with object model. NAMEINFO WFM - Form to display DDE capabilities. NAMES DBF - Table use by NAMEINFO.WFM. NAMES QBE - View query for NAMEINFO.WFM. NAMESRCH WFM - Search form for the dde sample - NAMEINFO.WFM. ORDERS DB - Paradox orders table. ORDERS PX - Index file for orders.db ORDERS RPT - Report of orders for orders.wfm. ORDERS WFM - A form displaying information about an order. PICTURES DBF - Database file PICTURES.PRG. PICTURES MDX - Index file for PICTURES.DBF. PICTURES QBE - View file for PICTURES.WFM. PICTURES WFM - Form designer version of PICTURES.PRG. SAMPLES CAT - Catalog of all the samples in the samples directory. SAMPLES TXT - Text file describing all programs in the \SAMPLES directory. SAMPPROC PRG - Procedure file used by some samples. SEARCH WFM - Simple search form used by ORDERS.WFM and CUSTOMER.WFM. SWITCH BFM - File created by forms designer - necessary for running SWITCH.WFM. SWITCH VBX - VBX control file. SWITCH WFM - A simple form showing the biswitch VBX control. SYSINFO WFM - Form called from WINAPI.PRG that shows information about the system. TYPECO DBF - Table of company types. TYPECO MDX - Index file for TYPECO.DBF. VCR1 VBX - VCR-control. WINAPI WFM - Shows various Windows API calls from dBASE for Windows. SAMPLES2 PAK (DISK7) - Compression file AIRBRLN2 BMP - Bitmap for equipmnt.wfm. AIRBRLND BMP - Bitmap for equipmnt.wfm. AIRCRDB DBF - Table of names and pictures of Air Borland planes. AIRCRDB DBT - File with binary date for aircrdb.dbf. AIRCRDB MDX - Production index file for aircrdb.dbf. ANIMVCR WFM - Sample form illustrating use of combination custom control CHANGEQ QBE - View used for changing equipmnt for changeq.wfm. CHANGEQ WFM - Form for changing planes used for various flights. COMPANY DOC - Template file used for running Mail Merge from Contact.wfm COUNTRY DBT - Memo file for COUNTRY.DBF. EQUIPMNT CAT - Catalog of files used in equipmnt application. EQUIPMNT H - Header file for equipmnt forms and menus. EQUIPMNT MNU - Menu file used by equipmnt.wfm. EQUIPMNT QBE - Main view of Air Borland flights for equipmnt.wfm. EQUIPMNT WFM - Main form for showing flights and pictures of planes used. GETFLTS WFM - Form for selecting viewed flights of Air Borland. PAINT WFM - A sample for paint boxes, shapes and lines. PICTURES DBT - Memo file for PICTURES.DBT. SAMPLE CFM - Sample custom form class file. WELCOME WAV - Startup wav file. SETUP EXE (DISK1) - Installation program loader. TABLE PAK (DISK7) - Compression file ADDRESS DBF - Structure for table of addresses ARTWORK DBF - Structure for table of artwork collection ARTWORK DBT - Memo file for artwork.dbf BILLING DBF - Structure for table of billing information BILLING DBT - Memo file for billing.dbf BILLS DBF - Structure for table of personal bills BILLS DBT - Memo file for bills.dbf BOOKS DBF - Structure for table of personal bills BOOKS DBT - Memo file for books.dbf CHECKS DBF - Structure for personal check info table CHECKS DBT - Memo file checks.dbf COMPANY DBF - Structure for table of company info COMPANY DBT - Menu file for company.dbf CONTACTS DBF - Stucture for table of contacts CONTACTS DBT - Memo file for contact.dbf CUSTOMER DBF - Structure for table of customers CUSTOMER DBT - Memo file for customer.dbf EMPLOYEE DBF - Structure for table of employees EMPLOYEE DBT - Memo file for employee.dbf EVENTS DBF - Structure for table of events EVENTS DBT - Memo file for table of events INVEST DBF - Structure for table of investment info INVEST DBT - Memo file for invest.dbf LINEITEM DBF - Structure for table of lineitems MUSIC DBF - Structure for music collection table MUSIC DBT - Memo file for music.dbf ORDERS DBF - Structure for table of orders ORDERS DBT - Memo file for orders.dbf PAYMENTS DBF - Structure for table of payments PAYMENTS DBT - Memo file for payments.dbf PEOPLE DBF - Stucture for table of generic people info PEOPLE DBT - Memo file for people.dbf PRODUCTS DBF - Structure for table of products PRODUCTS DBT - Memo file for products.dbf PROJECTS DBF - Structure for table of projects PROJECTS DBT - Memo file for projects.dbf RECVING DBF - Structure for table of receiving info RECVING DBT - Memo file for recving.dbf SHIPPING DBF - Structure for table of shipping info SHIPPING DBT - Memo file for shipping.dbf TASKS DBF - Structure for table of tasks TASKS DBT - Memo file for tasks.dbf TBLS0009 CAT - Table of all table expert tables VENDORS DBF - Structure for table of vendors VENDORS DBT - Memo file for vendors.dbf VIDEOS DBF - Structure for video collection table VIDEOS DBT - Memo file for videos.dbf WINE DBF - Table structure for Wine Collection UTILITY PAK (DISK7) - Compression file CB DBF - System configuration database. CB HLP - Component Builder help file. CB PRO - Component Builder compiler program. CBPROJ DBF - Conversion database. CBPROJ DBT - Conversion database. UTILS PAK (DISK7) - Compression file BROWSE WFM - Form used by SQL.WFM GETFIELD WFM - Form used by SQL.WFM GETTABLE WFM - Form used by SQL.WFM OPTIONS POP - Popup file for SQL.WFM PROCFILS WFM - Utility for opening procedure files. SQL QBE - View file for SQL.WFM SQL WFM - SQL statement building utility SQLDBASE DBF - Sample SQL statement for SQL.WFM SQLDBASE DBT - Memo file for SQLBASE.DBF UTILS TXT - Text file describing files in the utils directory